Extract eMail Data (Subject & Body) Programatically using Outlook VBA

October 17, 2008

Extract Subject and Body of eMail through Outlook VBA

Many automation revolves around mails; you may want to trigger some process once a mail arrives in the InBox. The following code will help you extract the subject and body content of all mails in InBox

Sub Extract_Body_Subject_From_Mails()

Dim oNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim oFld As Outlook.Folder
Dim oMails As Outlook.Items
Dim oMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oProp As Outlook.PropertyPage

Dim sSubject As String
Dim sBody

On Error GoTo Err_OL

Set oNS = Application.GetNamespace(“MAPI”)
Set oFld = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set oMails = oFld.Items

For Each oMailItem In oMails
sBody = oMailItem.Body
sSubject = oMailItem.Subject ‘This property corresponds to the MAPI property PR_SUBJECT. The Subject property is the default property for Outlook items.

Exit Sub
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Number & ” – ” & Err.Description
Resume Next
End If
End Sub

The Subject property is the default property for Outlook items.

Check Saved Status of Workbook using Excel VBA

October 17, 2008

Check If Workbook is Saved using Excel VBA

Use Saved property of Workbook to check the status. Saved returns True if no changes have been made to the specified workbook since it was last saved

Function IsDirty(ByRef OWB As Workbook) As Boolean

If OWB.Saved = False Then
IsDirty = True
End If

End Function

At times, the workbook would have been created and never saved. In that case, you can use the Path property to identify if it was saved at all

Function IsNeverSaved(ByRef OWB As Workbook) As Boolean

If OWB.Path = “” Then

IsNeverSaved = True
End If

End Function

Check Version of Browser using Excel VBA

October 17, 2008

Identify Browser Version using Excel VBA

The following code can be used to check the version of Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator (whichever is the default browser):

Sub CheckWebOptions()

Dim wkbOne As Workbook

Set wkbOne = Application.Workbooks(1)

‘ Determine if IE5 is the target browser.
If wkbOne.WebOptions.TargetBrowser = msoTargetBrowserIE6 Then
MsgBox “The target browser is IE6 or later.”
ElseIf wkbOne.WebOptions.TargetBrowser = msoTargetBrowserIE5 Then
MsgBox “The target browser is IE5 or later.”
ElseIf wkbOne.WebOptions.TargetBrowser = msoTargetBrowserIE4 Then
MsgBox “The target browser is IE4 or later.”
ElseIf wkbOne.WebOptions.TargetBrowser = msoTargetBrowserV4 Then
MsgBox “Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, Netscape Navigator 4.0, or later.”
ElseIf wkbOne.WebOptions.TargetBrowser = msoTargetBrowserV3 Then
MsgBox “Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, Netscape Navigator 3.0, or later.”
MsgBox “The target browser is not in the given list”
End If

End Sub

Using Vb.Net Function in VBA

October 17, 2008

How to use .Net Array.Sort Function in VBA

Using Vb.Net Function in VBA

How to use a VB.Net DLL/TLB in Excel VBA

Here is an example for using the customized .NET Function in Excel VBA. Unfortunately EXcel VBA doesn’t have a Array.Sort function. To overcome the shortcomings, we create our own function here in .Net and use the same in Excel VBA

Here are the steps:

  1. Create a class library project in Visual Studio
  2. Add a COM Class item (DND_SortArray in this example)
  3. In the assembly information edit the title, company and provide a meaningful description. This would be seen in the References dialog in Excel
  4. Add the code shown below:


  1. Public Class DotNetDud_SortArray

    #Region “COM GUIDs”

    ‘ These GUIDs provide the COM identity for this class

    ‘ and its COM interfaces. If you change them, existing

    ‘ clients will no longer be able to access the class.

    Public Const ClassId As String = “93534c94-9fc1-4a54-b022-338fa7d454c1”

    Public Const InterfaceId As String = “03787ed3-bc65-41a1-9053-d37f390ff94b”

    Public Const EventsId As String = “34d12c14-8afd-44b7-a987-fc2f909724b6”

    #End Region

    ‘ A creatable COM class must have a Public Sub New()

    ‘ with no parameters, otherwise, the class will not be

    ‘ registered in the COM registry and cannot be created

    ‘ via CreateObject.

    Public Sub New()


    End Sub

    Public Sub SortArray(ByRef arTemp() As String)


    End Sub

    End Class

Compile the Project. You will get a DLL and a TLB.

Now open the Excel VBA Editor and add the TLB file to References.

The following code will now use the SortArray .NET Function created

Sub Use_DotNet_Sort()

Dim Cls1 As DotNetDud_SortArray.DotNetDud_SortArray

Set Cls1 = New DotNetDud_SortArray.DotNetDud_SortArray

Dim arTemp(0 To 2) As String

arTemp(0) = “Bottle”

arTemp(1) = “Apple”

arTemp(2) = “Aaron”

Cls1.SortArray arTemp

Set Cls1 = Nothing

End Sub

Add Hidden Data using StorageItem in Outlook VBA

October 17, 2008

Document Variables in Outlook using VBA

There are multiple ways to have a template in Outlook for achieving tasks. Sometimes, you will require to hold some document variable in outlook like you do with Microsoft Word. The following example shows a simple way to add some text in drafts folder. This will not be visible to user.

Sub Create_Hidden_Data()

Dim oNs As Outlook.NameSpace

Dim oFld As Outlook.Folder

Dim oSItem As Outlook.StorageItem

On Error GoTo OL_Error

oNs = Application.GetNamespace(“MAPI”)

oFld = oNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDrafts)

oSItem = oFld.GetStorage(“My Appt Template”, olIdentifyBySubject)

oSItem.UserProperties.Add(“My Footer”, olText)

oSItem.UserProperties(“My Footer”).Value = “VBADud – Samples & Tips on VBA”

oSItem.UserProperties.Add(“My Body”, olText)

oSItem.UserProperties(“My Body”).Value = “Hi” & vbCrLf & “Requesting a appointment with you for discussing…”


Exit Sub




End Sub

The Properties are stored in Drafts Folder and can be retrieved using the following code

Sub GetData_From_StorageItem()

Dim oNs As Outlook.NameSpace

Dim oFL As Outlook.Folder

Dim oItem As Outlook.StorageItem

On Error GoTo OL_Error

oNs = Application.GetNamespace(“MAPI”)

oFld = oNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDrafts)

oItem = oFld.GetStorage(“My Appt Template”, olIdentifyBySubject)

If oItem.Size <> 0 Then

MsgBox(oItem.UserProperties(“My Footer”))

MsgBox(oItem.UserProperties(“My Body”))

End If

Exit Sub




End Sub

StorageItem is a message object in MAPI that is always saved as a hidden item in the parent folder and stores private data for Outlook solutions.

‘A StorageItem object is stored at the folder level, allowing it to roam with the account and be available online or offline.

‘The Outlook object model does not provide any collection object for StorageItem objects. However, you can use Folder.GetTable to obtain a Table with all the hidden items in a Folder, when you specify the TableContents parameter as olHiddenItems. If keeping your data private is of a high concern, you should encrypt the data before storing it.

‘Once you have obtained a StorageItem object, you can do the following to store solution data:

‘Add attachments to the item for storage.

‘Use explicit built-in properties of the item such as Body to store custom data.

‘Add custom properties to the item using UserProperties.Add method. Note that in this case, the optional AddToFolderFields and DisplayFormat arguments of the UserProperties.Add method will be ignored.

‘Use the PropertyAccessor object to get or set custom properties.

‘The default message class for a new StorageItem is IPM.Storage. If the StorageItem existed as a hidden message in a version of Outlook prior to Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, the message class will remain unchanged. In order to prevent modification of the message class, StorageItem does not expose an explicit MessageClass property.

Adding an OLE Object (Command Button) to a Worksheet using Excel VBA

October 17, 2008

Creating a Command Button on Sheet using Excel VBA

Sub Create_Command_Button_2007()

‘ Creates a Command button and Positions it

‘ Written by Shasur for http://vbadud.blogspot.com

Dim oOLE As OLEObject

‘ Add a Command Button

oOLE = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:=“Forms.CommandButton.1”, Left:=220, Top:=40, Height:=30, Width:=120)

oOLE.Interior.Color = vbRed

‘ Move and Size with cells

oOLE.Placement = XlPlacement.xlMoveAndSize

oOLE.Object.Caption = “Click Me…”

End Sub

Each OLEObject object represents an ActiveX control or a linked or embedded OLE object.

An ActiveX control on a sheet has two names: the name of the shape that contains the control, which you can see in the Name box when you view the sheet, and the code name for the control, which you can see in the cell to the right of (Name) in the Properties window. When you first add a control to a sheet, the shape name and code name match. However, if you change either the shape name or code name, the other is not automatically changed to match.

Macro to Create a Pivot Table from Existing Pivot Cache

October 17, 2008

Create Additional Pivot Table using Excel VBA (from Existing PivotCache)

Many times you will have a Pivot Table created from a pivot cache and you have a requirment to create another pivot table from the same data. In such cases, instead of creating a new cache, you can use the existing pivot cache to create another pivot table. This will save a good amount of memory too.

Sub Create_Pivot_Table_From_Existing_Cache()

Dim oPC As PivotCache

Dim oPT As PivotTable

Dim oWS As Worksheet

oWS = ActiveSheet

If oWS.PivotTables.Count <>Then Exit Sub

oPC = oWS.PivotTables(1).PivotCache

oPT = oPC.CreatePivotTable(oWS.[J1], “Pivot From Existing Cache”, True)


oPT.AddDataField(oPT.PivotFields(“Customer”), “Quantity”, xlCount)

End Sub

Here we are checking if any Pivot Table exist in that particular sheet; if it exists we are using the same cache of the pivot table to create another pivot table

Create Pivot Table using Excel VBA

Macro to Create a Pivot Table from New Pivot Cache

Sub Create_Pivot_Table_From_Cache()

Dim oPC As PivotCache

Dim oPT As PivotTable

Dim oWS As Worksheet

oWS = ActiveSheet

oPC = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, oWS.UsedRange)

oPT = oPC.CreatePivotTable(oWS.[D20], “Pivot From Cache”, True)

oPT.AddFields(oPT.PivotFields(“Item”).Name, oPT.PivotFields(“Customer”).Name)

oPT.AddDataField(oPT.PivotFields(“Qty”), “Quantity”, xlSum)

End Sub

PivotCache represents the collection of memory caches from the PivotTable reports in a workbook. Each memory cache is represented by a PivotCache object. The above example creates a pivotcache from existing data and then using the cache a pivot table is created

VBA ADO Code for using Excel as Database

October 17, 2008

Using Excel as Database

Though many database systems have come , still there is a need to use Excel as Backend database. The reasons might be many — you get Excel sheets as a Report and do not want to import that into Access or SQL Server

Here is a simple code that will allow you to do exactly that

Sub Excel_ADO()

Dim cN As ADODB.Connection ‘* Connection String
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset ‘* Record Set
Dim sQuery As String ‘* Query String
Dim i1 As Long
Dim lMaxRow As Long ‘* Last Row in the Sheet
Dim iRevCol As Integer ‘*
Dim i3 As Integer


Set cN = New ADODB.Connection
cN.ConnectionString = “Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Orginal.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;Persist Security Info=False”
cN.ConnectionTimeout = 40

Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset

lMaxRow = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
iRevCol = 2

For i1 = 2 To lMaxRow

Application.StatusBar = i1
sQuery = “Select * From [Sheet1$]”

RS.ActiveConnection = cN
RS.Source = sQuery

If RS.EOF = True And RS.BOF = True Then
GoTo TakeNextRecord
End If

Do Until RS.EOF = True
sName = Trim$(RS(“Name”).Value)
sAge = Trim$(RS(“Age”).Value)
‘ Do some operations

If RS.State <> adStateClosed Then
End If
Next i1

If Not RS Is Nothing Then Set RS = Nothing
If Not cN Is Nothing Then Set cN = Nothing

If Err <> 0 Then
Debug.Assert Err = 0
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Next
End If

End Sub

All the code remains the same as Access ADO code except the change in connection string. cN.ConnectionString = “Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Orginal.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;Persist Security Info=False”

Solution for 1004 — The file could not be accessed while saving the File

October 17, 2008

Excel VBA – 1004 — The file could not be accessed

1004 Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file ‘C:\temp’. There are several possible reasons:

• The file name or path does not exist.
• The file is being used by another program.
• The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.

1004 — The file could not be accessed. Try one of the following:

• Make sure the specified folder exists.
• Make sure the folder that contains the file is not read-only.
• Make sure the file name does not contain any of the following characters: < > ? [ ] : | or *
• Make sure the file/path name doesn’t contain more than 218 characters.

This error occurs because of unwanted characters in the File. The following function would help in removing those characters:

Function ClearCharacters(ByVal sDirtyString As String) As String

Dim arUnWantedCharacter(1 To 6) As String
Dim IsClear As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim strCleanString As String
Dim j As Integer

arUnWantedCharacter(1) = “\”
arUnWantedCharacter(2) = “/”
arUnWantedCharacter(3) = “?”
arUnWantedCharacter(4) = “*”
arUnWantedCharacter(5) = “[”
arUnWantedCharacter(6) = “]”

IsClear = True

strCleanString = vbNullString
For i = 1 To UBound(arUnWantedCharacter)
If InStr(1, sDirtyString, arUnWantedCharacter(i)) Then
IsClear = False
For j = 1 To Len(sDirtyString)
If Mid$(sDirtyString, j, 1) <> arUnWantedCharacter(i) Then
strCleanString = strCleanString & Mid$(sDirtyString, j, 1)
End If
Next j
sDirtyString = strCleanString
End If
Next i

If IsClear = True Then strCleanString = sDirtyString


ClearCharacters = strCleanString

End Function

The Explorers collection contains views of all open folders.

October 17, 2008

Explorers Collection in Outlook


Each open folder view is an Explorer object and has a CurrentFolder object, which is the folder

whose data is currently being displayed in the Explorer. The currently active Explorer object

is also available as the ActiveExplorer object.

Sub OL_Explorer_Collection()

Dim oExpo As Explorer

For Each oExpo In Explorers



End Sub

When you open Outlook using code Explorers will be not be there and the count will be zero. Normally opening outlook will have one Explorer, which is the active explorer

An explorer need not be visible to be included in the Explorers collection.

Use the Explorers property to return the Explorers object from the Application object.